MKGC Legal Compliance Audit Service
Legal Compliance Audit is a scrutiny to check whether an organization is in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations applicable to it?
Legal Compliance Audit is the most effective mechanism to ensure the compliance of the multifarious requirements by the corporate enterprises under a host of legislations.
The objectives of an Legal Compliance Audit should be :
- to check and report on compliances;
- to point out non-compliances and inadequate compliances;
- to protect the interests of directors and officers;
- to avoid legal actions by the law-enforcing agencies and others.
Putting together all the Acts and Regulations which are applicable to any organization and the list of compliances under those Acts is a very complex and tedious process, and is better entrusted to the experts who have sufficiently researched and documented all the applicable laws and formulated guidelines on this matter to ensure due compliance on the part of the organization. Independent assessment of Legal Compliance by experts will benefit the organizations to avoid prosecution, penalties, and fines and establish their credibility before their clients.
M. K. Ghosh & Co. is a leader in offering Legal and Regulatory Compliance Audit Services to enable Corporates and Organisations to comply with Legal requirements and other regulations.
The firm serves some of the leading Corporate and Public Sector Undertakings including Navaratna Companies as well as medium and small sized industries.
It monitors changes in industry rules and regulations and assesses and identifies potential exposure of the corporates and organisations to risk and liabilities and makes sure they are being addressed effectively with the volume of changes and breadth of exposures.
It advises on mitigation of risk and liabilities and formulates customised guidelines.
It conducts Legal Compliance Audit in order to check and ensure that the company’s goal, structure and ongoing operations are consistent with the latest developments in business and corporate laws and regulations which lowers the compliance risk profile, reduce fines, reassign headcounts, enable a better and higher use of the limited law department’s resources, save measurable cost and improve effectiveness and ensure due diligence.
The firm also simplifies the various functions of regulatory processes of the organisation and reduces risk, cutting costs and establish a viable long-term strategy for compliance success. The services cover the following areas:
- Strategic Analysis of the Company.
- Assessing potential exposure to liabilities to different authorities, customers, staff, visitors and members of the public.
- Testing compliance programme to identify weak spots.
- Advice on mitigation of such risk and formulating customised guidelines.
- Conducting Legal audit / scan of compliances of various laws applicable to the industries.
- Undertaking the compliance monitoring exercise on the basis of continuous legal research.
- Providing timely information to companies regarding suspected violations for maintaining compliance programme.
- Developing effective training and seminars for staff to enable them to become fully acquainted with various areas of law and compliance and bring the highest value to themselves and the organisation.