Techno Legal Compliance Services for Projects
M. K. Ghosh & Co. provides Techno Legal Consultancy services for Projects including the following services :
- Drafting and vetting of various types of contracts, service level agreements, vendors agreements.
- Project advisory services for legal compliances, legal vetting of projects, and legal audit of all compliances. Drafting and vetting of all kinds of contracts with vendors of the project and all other related legal services.
- Techno legal advisory services. With our in-depth legal knowledge on various techno legal subjects, we provide the best techno legal advices and services for the various projects. This is a highly specialized field of legal services which also provide the legal audit and legal compliance services for the projects and all kinds of techno legal aspects of the project.
Various stages of a Project and the nature of legal compliances required :
- Procurement of property and all allied services. Legal advice for property documentation relating to the transfer of the property viz. Land Acquisitions, Sale Deed, Lease etc. Due diligence with legal search report and title search report of the property for the project.
- Pre Launching or construction stage :
Participating in negotiations with various vendors to be engaged for the project. Drafting the terms and conditions of the execution of the work by the various vendors.
Getting the legal formalities completed with regard to engagement of various vendors viz. signing of contracts, etc. - Technical aspects at the Pre Launching stage :
Assistance in getting the sanction of plans from the Municipal and/or other authorities for the proposed structures. Discussing the same with official architects.
Getting the permission for the modifications, additions, alternations in the structure according to the requirements of the project ( In case of existing structure) from various departments. - Legal aspects at the Pre Launching Stage :
- Compliance of the Construction Workers Act.
- Compliance of the Workers Welfare Act during construction.
- Compliance of the ESI Act by the various contractors engaged in the construction process.
- Compliance of the CLRA by the contractors engaged in the construction work.
- Compliance of the EPF Act by the contractors.
- Compliance of the Workmen Compensation Act.
- Compliance of the Payment of Wages Act, Payment of Bonus Act by the respective contractors.
- Compliance of the requirement of the insurance of the site including man and material against natural hazards or accident.
- Post Construction stage :
- Assistance in getting the completion, Form C & D after completion of the structure from the Municipal authorities for the structure after the construction / renovation.
- Getting the Fire NOC for the structure.
- Getting the Lift Licence for the structure.
- Getting the permanent electrical connection for the structure as per the requirements.
- Getting the permanent water connection.
- Getting the permanent ground water borwell registered.
- Getting the approval of the HT Panel.
- Getting the permission for installation and generation through DG Set.
- Getting the pollution clearance certificate (consent to operate)
- Legal Aspects at the Post Construction Stage :
- Compliance of the Workers Welfare Act for the staff deployed to operate.
- Compliance of the ESI Act by the various contractors engaged for operations.
- Compliance of the CLRA by the Principal Employer as well as by the Contractors.
- Compliance of the EPF Act by the contractors.
- Compliance of the Workmen Compensation Act.
- Compliance of the Payment of Wages Act, Payment of Bonus Act by the respective contractors.
- Compliance of the requirement of the insurance of the workers working with the establishment.
- Getting the requisite licence for the unit.
- Obtaining various kinds of industry specific permits licences etc. under law.
- Tax Aspects at the Post Construction stage :
- Housing tax, property tax for the establishment, if any.
- Service Tax.
- Any other tax or cess as per the establishment and nature of activities.
- Operational Stage Compliance :
- Providing all services related to operational compliances as per the requirements of the establishment.
We are an Indian Legal Service Firm providing techno legal advisory services in all fields. We have an inter face of highly qualified legal people with highly qualified technical associates who deal with all important aspects related to the preparation and vetting of the projects, audit of the project, implementation of the projects and all kinds of legal compliances of the projects. Our highly specialized services relate to the techno legal advising services of project constancy which provides a complete blue print of the legal aspects of any project in India. We also provide a complete list of all the legal compliances under Indian Laws for any kind of project. We also provide services pertaining to legal audit and legal vetting of the projects. The services related to the supervision of entire compliances during the execution of the project is very important which ensures the compliances at the level of the project site including the local compliances in all aspects during the execution of the projects. We also provide the services related to drafting and vetting of the valuable contracts with the vendors and suppliers engaged for the particular project which not only safeguards the interest of the master company but also saves a lot of project costs at the level of coordination between the various vendors, service providers, other important and crucial legal services being provided by us is the monitoring of the execution of work by the vendors at the legal compliance level. We provide all such services through our highly qualified, skilled and specialized team of Lawyers who act in close coordination with the technical persons and experts in other fields during the execution of the projects. Techno legal services also include the services pertaining to getting all permits, licences, compliances pertaining to getting all permits, licenses, compliances etc. for the purposes of execution of the project as well as post execution level.
The aspect of techno legal consultancy becomes crucial at the threshold level as it ensures the various aspects of legal compliances at the project level. We provide a comprehensive blue print of the entire legal compliances under Indian laws.
M. K. Ghosh & Co. is the Legal Consultant for a multicore government project in Kolkata and providing various legal advisory services to its Client in Public Sector and interalia appearing before the Dispute Resolution Board and Arbitrator on behalf of as their Legal Counsel in connection with various disputes arising out of the projects.
The firm has been appointed by a Maharatna PSU Company, for Listing of all Laws & Statutory Rules, Regulations applicable to them & its nine subsidiaries in India and abroad and for managing their Compliance requirements.
The firm has been selected to carry out Legal Compliance Audit of a leading Government of India Enterprise, covering its 37 locations across the country for consecutive three years.
The firm has been engaged to conduct Legal Research in respect of different cases of another Government of India Enterprise, a Miniratna Company in its different units across the country and to study and submit report to its Head Office in phases.
The firm is providing techno legal consultancy services to other leading companies in the private sector as well.